psst! I'm leaving off soon- in less than 2hrs for my holiday!
Just had a great night of bowling (tho i lose!! :p) and a surprise from my girlfriends, and now... I really can't hold it anymore...
Here's a sneak peek to our February's special theme...:
Here's a sneak peek to our February's special theme...:

If you like this one, wait till you see more of our offer!
I'm very excited to share with all of you on our promo, but unfortunately, since I don't have much time- this is all that I can do at the moment.
Do wait till I'm back. But err, since I'll be busy with 2wedding favors next week, please give me time till sunday or monday.
Hopefully will be able to update on the promos ;)
Happy Holiday~!
With Love
Happy Holiday~!
With Love
ahh i want this :)
hye, i'm farah that texted u the other day. m just conforming, can i place some orders for nx mnth?
alahai cute nye. Sayang nak makan.
i nk oder Red roses - 25mini pcs bleyh x ? u still bleyh wt ?
is it possible to order this one now? or u only do ths for valentine's day?
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